Trisha Wilkinson: Setting up Your Child for success and effective learning with Brain Stages Parenting
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GraceTime TV:Trisha Wilkinson: Setting up Your Child for a GREAT SCHOOL YEAR!
1 Welcome.. check out Mary's afilliate partners: My Pillow ( Epoch Times ( promo code MaryGrace, first month $1, year for $77. Superfoods ( - provide your email to get info and the promo code for up to $100 off a 30 days supply. Helped Mary bounce back from Covid and battle an autoimune disease).
2 Welcome and Intro to Trisha Wilkinson, teacher and parent. Trish introduces herself as a teacher and parent and how she came to discovering the brain differences with her own daughter and how to teach differently. There has been amazine research on brain development and how to help kids learn
3 The difference between being a teacher and being a parent where teaching comes in... how she figured it out when dealing with her own children... one's own emotions get in the mix. More of her background... her elder daughter was diagnosed with ADHD... how to talk to your child to get them to talk to you, how do you get them to cooperate... chat invited to respond with your parenting/teachin role(s) in life... there will be tips and free tools to help you out.
4 How did she make transition from being a mom and teacher and doing research to teachng others how to help their children... her daughter encouraged her as she had experienced the improvement in her life. How her daughter's intelligence could be used ... how she learned to slow down so she could speed up. Managing screen time was one of the tools they used... some of her ADHD helped her become a software engineer...
5 It's not a defecit... it's a difference. They found what their daughters' talents were and how they can be used... people with ADHD have hyper focus.... Using a timer helped them manage their behaviors and productivity. They would get overhwelmed with multiple subjects... they broke the work down into a small amount of time and have the child set the timer as to how long each task would take... they would challenge themselves to beat the timer... that allowed them to focus on just that. They would review the work and praise the good parts of what they did, not the negative. Until a kid is about 11 years old, they don't process 'no' and 'don't.... telling them what TO DO helps them do the right behaviors... just telling them what not to do doesn't tell them what to do. Kids don't process sarcasm until they're about 11 years old.
6 Trisha's book: Brain Stages: How to Raise Smart, Confident Kids and Have Fun Doing It You can order it at and there are tools and videos on the website... a good way to introduce people to the book. The book discusses the stages at different ages... you only have to look at the chapter for your child's age - or up to that age... provides games and activities for each age. It can also help parents/grandparents to set expectations... it tells them what can be expected at each age from making their own bed, packing their lunch etc... Helps kids know how to use the math they are learning in life activities - they learn what math to use when they need it.
7 When children experience disruptions such as frequent moves, divorce... is it addressed in the book? Not really addressed but if kids' brains experience safety, if they experience positivity they will progress. Have a real conversation with kids on their return from home... tell them what emotion you see on their face they will fill in the gap about what they are feeling. Just listening to them and acknowledging them they will solve their own problems.
8 Working with gifted children... focusing only on those special skills they child will miss out on the other skills they need to learn at that age... There is some good social and emotional learning...(not gender identity stuff)... teach children to identify their own emotion and they may not be thinking why they did something. Need to ask what they are feeling and why... help them as needed by telling them what emotions are being seen as they may not know what they are showing... not in touch... It's getting more important to have emotional intelligence... to identify emotion and take responsibility. The digital world has separated people so they don't interact the same
9 The right kind of social/emotional learning helps teachers as well as students....
10 Trish is offering 5 simple ways to boost mental health and brain power... use QR code to get the link... put in your email to get the info.... good for teachers and parents
11 Working memory game (short term memory) you need to use two senses.... "Add a move" (there is a video about this on YouTube:
). You can also contact her on the website above. These are physical moves that you have to do in order going back and forth or sequential people and it trains the brain to remember. This game also helps gets kids out of an emotion center and into a thinking center... it's only a 90 second game.
12 She works on what you need to know and use projects that helps children learn those skills... not just book learning. Example, baseball statistics for a baseball fan... take what the child's interests are and develop projects that interest them to learn what they need to.
13 Trish said she should have gone back to school to do her book but she had another's research to help. The skills she used with her kids at home were able to be used at school. (don't forget to keep kids hydrated).... example - 10 minutes of exercise and a drink of water!
14 Last minute study they included in the book... the smallest amount of exercise that provides a benefit: 10 minutes! (If you get the book, don't forget to look at the resources and researh in the Apendix in the book).
15 Please share this with other parents, grandparents as well as teachers...
16 Research... environment affects children more than DNA.... we use more than 10% of our brains but we're only conscience of 10%... there are ways to unlock the unconscience... (key to that is not part of the book).
17 She offers consultation, does coaching, teaches groups... contact her at the site Start with the five things on the free offer in item 10. Email her She answers all her emails. To schedule her for teaching: There will be books for middle and high school levels in the next year or so.
18 Last words from Trish... Mindfulness is excellent for kids... have them focus on something positive for 5 minutes
19 Don't forget to support her afilliates... there will be some new ones.