GRACETIME TV: True The Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht joins Mary Grace to debrief from the #Pit
Welcome to Catherine - Mary summarizes how it felt to meet many anons in person after interacting online for years
Catherine explains the original plan for the Pit and how it grew to include more people, how part of it came to be streamed online. Main focus was to gather people together to figure stuff out
The name of the Pit came from Psalm 94:12-13 (Fortunate is the man whom You, Yah, chastise, and from Your Torah You teach him. To grant him peace from days of evil, while a pit is dug for the wicked.)This is a spiritual battle... God has a way of turning things on His enemies
The Tiger Project - Cathering explains what was revealed, what is happening now and what do you see happening in the next weeks and months. (Note this was recorded by RSBN but will be aired in the future)
While they were researching info which became 2000 Mules they discovered the high level management software used to manage elections at a high level, not just vote counting machines. Who has access to that info is a great concern. Discovered data shown on a server in China (this is the year of the tiger) anything that is online in China is owned by the CCP.... (aka the Chinese, not the people).
Info used in 2000 Mules plus this info was given to the FBI. They started investigating it with the goal of stopping this before the midterms starting in January 2021. In April 2022 the FBI turned on them.
The PIT was a way to get the info out to others so that it would not be just held by Gregg and Catherine so that many could research it as well
Quick backstep TTV had already been using geospatial data way before 1/5/2021 GA runoff and they discovered through the quick grand juries and arrests after 1/6/2021 that the FBI had been using that data as well.
Discussion of who controls/runs elections... states run elections but the federal goverment is involved in the conspiracy/RICO/foreign involvement in elections
Since the PIT anons have unearthed tons of rock-solid information from their research using the data they received at the PIT. (the info is called "Tiger droppings") Once they have the info they need from anons plus what TTV has found there will be a video put out and what RSBN filmed can be aired. Catherine already laid a bit out with a group of believers and intercessors
Konnech is the company involved in running many counties' elections and open records requests are going everywhere.... many counties don't even know how this is being done. If they are wrong in their assessment the FBI led them on, if they are right the FBI covered it up.
The enemy is communism, not the people - it's the repressive regime
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Keep a positive focus... don't be negative on a public platform... are you adding to the problem or the solution with your words? Be part of the solution!
Catherine clarifies what she said about moving on from 2020 - didn't mean leaving it alone - have to focus on 2022 without leaving 2020.
Catherine comments about staying positive... how difficult their walk is... breaking the signal from the noise.... she is on this path because she feels God has called her to it. How perilous the times are - how close we are to falling into Communism - the CCP and Russia are both against our country. We have to stick together and have faith...
Everyone is called to a different/their own fight.... but attacking others in the movement and bringing them down is not one of them.
Fixing 2020 and overwhelming the polls in 2022 can both happen
Mary prays for Catherine (& Gregg) and mentions there is a project they are working on which will be coming out in the next few weeks. Also Sam (the spy) Faddis will be on with Mary this afternoon at 5 ET (he was at the PIT as well)
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