Catherine Engelbrecht True the Vote Interview notes and show links
Catherine Englebrecht is the founder of True the Vote. Her work on unraveling the trail of corruption in the 2020 election around ballot drop boxes was featured in the movie 2000 Mules.
GraceTime TV Catherine Engelbrect: The force behind True the Vote and 2,000 Mules - Full of Faith and Fury
1 Welcome and introduction - please chat and take notes
2 Discussion of the show title Full of Faith and Fury. Catherine comments about her unwavering faith
3 What's been happening in our country and our vote being like that of other countries like Venezuela - 2011 article on Catherine by the Texas Observer and the opposition she faced with her group Texas Patriots and their poll watching.. how long Catherine has been in the fight...
4 People are alarmed by the corruption they have seen... don't want to hurt... no one said it would be easy
5 If you stop, they win. We have to stay in the fight... it took us a long time to get in the mess and it will take a while to get out.. and we're supposed to learn things on the way
6 Our country was founded upon prayer... we have a duty to carry that on and to ensure it remains immutable
7 What about Georgia - people think it's conservative but there is a dark underbelly there.. what has been the experience dealing with the conservatives.... comments on the map Gregg Phillips truthed Tuesday night about the life activities of the mules.
8 Catherine talks about her being targeted by the IRS and how it was similar in trying to work w/ Georgia officials who turned on them - how they decided to do the movie - time to go loud.. there was anointing on the movie - God had to be involved
9 Similarities of blowing the trumpet in the Old Testament and "going loud" (quick visit by Barley George 🐈 )... Gideon and his army were silent until they weren't... God is calling people to get loud about what is true.
10 More history of the election intgrity project even before the election that turned into 2000 mules - lots of calls about NGOs (non-Government organizations, non-profits involved in the election, ballots, dropboxes). The mules they studied had to go to a lot of NGOs AND a lot of dropboxes to show the intent. They took it to law enforcement in early 2021 but they didn't respond.
11 What's happening in AZ... what happened with Kemp in GA.... bought by China, daughter's boyfriend murdered
12 Is this a vertical grift? Is there foreign money coming in? (going both ways - aid out, money in)... colluding with a foreign country it's sedition leading to treason to affect an election/country.
13 What is happening with your personal security? Catherine and Gregg both threatened.... it's a spiritual battle... all the independent actions across different states all show evil intent. This is what she is called to do - being careful but won't be deterred... God has their backs, all decisions made by prayer.
14 How can listeners pray for them? Prayer is the most important thing to do together, please don't go weary... comments about the sheriffs getting involved... accountability will come in fresh ways... pray for the return of hope and joy... we have the momentum to push forward.. pray through the victory... it will get darker and difficult but on the other side is a level of transparency... will see solutions and move forward
15 Weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning... get your sheriffs to see the movie
16 How can people support the work she is doing and how can they get involved? There are many organizations, if there isn't one in your area, you can start with baby steps.... we need to retake the field - we're support to run the government...
17 Resources:,, Protect Your ElectionBook and Action Steps
18 Please support they are a 501C3 non-profit, donations are tax-deductible... the datasets they have been purchasing are very expensive... put your money where your mouth is - also let those who can help on a larger scale know
19 Any last words... you can also join TrueTheVote's Locals: to see their Monday evening live Q&A at 7 ET (no paywall but monthly paid subscriptions are welcome and helpful). Locals is censor-free
20 Closing words
21 Tomorrow at 1pm ET for Spytalk with Sam Faddis
I can not find any of your programs any where. I have given my email to be notified, but nothing is ever posted. Worried. Love your programs, really miss them. What has happened?